If I were a motivational speaker giving a talk to young people about ten ways to joy, I would recommend things that reflect Jesus’ law. My top ten recommendations would be going to Mass on Sunday, spending time with family, enjoying nature, spending time with friends, and serving the community. I would also suggest that the students should spend quiet time to themselves, pray, stay active, try hard in school, and join clubs to make new friends. These suggestions reflect the Law of Love because they are all aimed at creating a better life for the person that carries out these recommendations. I already live out most of these values, but I think I could try harder at going to Mass on Sunday with a happy attitude and praying more often.
Katherine, how important it is for Christians to recognize in our world today that enduring joy can only come from living a life modeled on that of Christ and the message of peace that he brings. So often people try to blaze their own trails apart from faith and forget about the love of God. Happiness may come for a time, but it will not last and people will eventually find that what they have built their lives upon is only temporary. Prayer and devotion to God are not temporary, but indeed lead us on the path to heaven.